Judgement of Paris

Athena, Aphrodite and Hera | Greco-Roman mosaic from Antioch C2nd A.D. | Musée du Louvre, Paris\
Athena, Aphrodite and Hera (detail), Greco-Roman mosaic
from Antioch C2nd. Musée du Louvre

The judgement of Paris was a contest held by Zeus to decide who should receive the golden apple between the three goddesses of Olympus. Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. Paris's decision was a selfish one. He chose the option that would benefit him the most and not others. He chose Aphrodite which would prove to be his undoing. Setting up the Trojan war and ultimately ending up in his death. His actions caused grievous consequences which resulted in thousands of lost Greek and Trojan lives. In the end. This story tells that every action has a consequence, and Paris's foolishness and selfishness caused a war and the death of thousands of lives.

Judgement of Paris

Legends of Illiad

Arrows of Hercules

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The Trojans overwhelmed by the Greek assault on Troy

Not too long after Hercules death, Calchas the seer uttered another prophecy that in order to win the war, they needed  the arrows of Hercules which was owned by Philoctetes who they left in the island of Lemnos because he was wounded. The Greeks have done many mistakes in the war. They left the wounded behind not knowing that their fate was gonna win them the war. They have done .many blunders that was detrimental to their war effort.. The Greek Gods have power that not even the humans could comprehend. 



The Journey to Ithaca

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Odysseus and his crew sail away from Polyphemus

Odysseus journey back home to reassert his place as king of Ithaca. He had very long journey,  A journey lasting 10 years and filled with hardships. The most prominent one was his encounter with the cyclops Polyphemus. They were on the verge of escaping and return home but Odysseus's rashness caused his journey to last long. Odysseus as witty as he is, is not a smart man. He revealed his name, a blunder that would cause him to be sent to Crice. His crew is no better as they were the ones who sent them to Circe by opening the bag that contained all the winds in the world given by Aeolus, Master of winds.

The Odyssey

The stories of creation

The castration of Uranus
Image result for Castration of Uranus
Uranus being castrated by Cronus

Uranus was both a cruel father and a husband. He didn't want to let his children see the light of day because he hated them. He imprisoned them deep in the earth where no one would find them, the womb of Gaea. This cruelty would have a backlash on him as it made Gaea mad. Gaea and Cronus set up an ambush as Cronus was preparing to lay with Gaea. Cronus then castrated him with a sickle. Cronus n the future didn't become a very good father at all. He inherited his father's cruelness. but atleast Cronus had a reason unlike Uranus who just hated his children for no apparent reason. Uranus's cruelty is unjustifiable, his actions and deeds are coming from that of a psychopath .

